Oh my love                                                 
How long will you flounce me
I will light up the flame of affection and lust
That will dissolve you  instantaneously

A day will come in near future, when you will be tempted to fall in love
I will light up the candles of affection and lust     
That will melt you  instantaneously

 When you will be thinking of me alone                                                                                   
You will fall deeper in the gloominess of my love
Your heart will become restless and be affectionate towards me
Oh my love
How long will you flounce me
I will light up the flame of affection and lust
That will melt you

When our hearts  will meet

You will start smelling fresh and aroma of love will creep in you
You will loose self-dominance when you will be resting in my arms
Loosing all your senses you will be feeling the emotions of my heart

A day will come when you will be stupefaction in passion.
I will light up the flame of affection and lust
That will  melt  you  instantaneously
Instantaneously  by my perfection and affection

                COLLAGE STUDENT 
              WEST BENGAL , INDIA
